Sunday, May 22, 2005

Science + Text = COOL!

Particle Accelerator Used to Decipher Text

Well, two of my obsessions—namely particle physics and ancient texts—have collided here, so I just had to point it out. I think it's very neat, very if someone had accidentally dumped chocolate in my peanut butter to discover that the combination is, in fact, delicious!

Of course, once somebody actually sits down and reads the deciphered manuscript, I'm absolutely positive that a rent in the time-space continuum will appear, bringing forth ancient, chthonic gods from the in between spaces where they dwell in restless slumber and dream dreams of such power that our nightmares are but infinitesimal echoes of their unknown energies. R'lyeh should be rising above the Pacific waves pretty soon, which is always fun. Say it with me, folks: Cthulhu Phtaghn! Ia Cthulhu!

In other news, sorry it's been so long between updates. In short, I suck, and have been very sleepy lately. I did go on one of my volkerwanderung last Tuesday. I'll try to post the pictures here shortly.

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