Friday, March 17, 2006

Oh, thank god...

Been a great day. Payday yesterday meant I could turn my phone back on, make my car and student loan payments, and buy some much needed groceries. As a bonus, when I came into work and checked my bank account today, I found that Los Federales had deposited my income tax return! This means I can get some stuff that wasn't absolutely necessary for basic survival, but that I still needed anyway. You know, things like bedsheets, my own towels (thanks for the loan, Norma! I'll wash it before I bring it back!), a microwave, a vacuum cleaner, pots, pans, dishes, glasses, silverware, a shelf for my TV.... You know, optional stuff like that. :)
Oh! It also means that I can get my own intarweb. So I should be back online regularly within two weeks. That means IM, WoW, movies, music....
God...I honestly can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From an old friend,
Hello John, this is Jake Poad!!! Yep, still alive and kicking!! I tried calling a few times but i saw your phone was cut off. don't feel bad it happened to me too.

Lets see whats happened since i last talked to you. I finally work at the gamestop in West Bend.....bout fucking time if you ask me.....and yep, mike siwy still hates me!! Me and julie got back together and it's actually been nothing but happiness. she's really matured since the first time we broke up and i'm happy. i'm finishing up my last semester at cowpie and then going to UW-Milwaukee in fall. Yah. I moved out of my fokes home and live w/ a friend but i've been broke ever since...who isn't? If you get this my number is still the same (262-483-4887) and email is i'm also on that myspace thing under jaykub....i don't really check it i think its anoying but whatever. hope to hear from you ...and see you....soon....

Jake Poad