Sunday, March 25, 2001

A basic mission statement…

Glassrope is primarily an attempt to connect with other internet users through the media of art, thought & design. Through film reviews, poetry, visual art, critical essays, short fiction, creative writing, opinions, interesting website design & sharing links, bookmarks & favorites, I hope to find people of similar talents & interests and bring them together. Part online literary magazine, part blog, part news & reviews, Glassrope will constantly evolve to reflect what's happening on the web & what's happening to its contributors.

Right now, the list of contributors is limited to me, but by encouraging submissions from all & sundry, I hope to change that. Send me your submissions, please! Poetry, photography, website design, thoughts, stories, anything at all is welcome—you will retain sole copyrights to anything I post. I can't promise that I'll put it up, but if I decide not to I will at least tell you why.

Some other facts: I'm not a professional website designer, so Glassrope will become better as I learn more about designing for the web. Eventually, I'd like to make it much more interactive. Also, Glassrope is non-commercial—it does not exist to make money, but because it seems like a fun thing to do. That's it! Get in touch with me if you have any suggestions, questions, comments or submissions!


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