Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Oh, lord, this is funny!

Lust For Laughs - October 4, 2006

I know a little, wee bit about this kind of stuff, since I've played guitar in front of an audience, done a smidge of acting and know a few theater people. And, of course, I've read my share of ridiculous rockstar riders. I've never read anything like that document before, though.

I honestly feel a little bad for the techs setting up this stage. But I'm honestly laughing too hard to feel too bad!

Highlight? Well, one of them is right here:
We had a lighting designer once, but he went mad so we shot him. It was the kindest thing. Now he's a light of a different kind, one of God's little Gobos in Dimmer Heaven.
I'm not sure exactly what that means, but it's beautiful.

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