Sunday, March 20, 2005

I have a very bad feeling about this...

Many of my friends are beginning to get a little bit excited about the possibility that the new Star Wars movie just might not suck. I mean, the trailers do make it look pretty action-packed. Plus, we get to see a nascent Darth Vader, who still stands as one of the baddest of cinema's badasses, even if he did eventually cave in to his whiny brat of a son. And, I confess it, even I thought the film might be enjoyable, instead of being a poorly scripted, badly acted, meagerly plotted smear of roadkill festooned with glittering lights and dancing under the spastic power of George Lucas's directorial hand shoved up its necrotic ass.

Then I read this interview, which contains this quote, dropping from the lips of the man himself much the way I imagine my own diagnosis of lung-cancer will eventually come from some infant of an M.D. at whatever clinic for the indigent I eventually haul my aging, aching carcass to:
"This one's a little bit more emotional. We like to describe it as Titanic in space. It's a tearjerker."
Great. The same genius who thought "Attack of the Clones" would be a dandy title for a movie is comparing this one to Titanic. Only, get this: in space!

For the record, there were only two things I liked about Titanic: corpsicles, and the sight of Kate Winslet's naked breasts. I have a strong suspicion that neither will be showing up in Episode III, making it, just like Titanic, a colossal waste of both money and time.

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