Monday, May 07, 2007

Lucky again!

Had the day off today and, big surprise, I went out and played with my camera. Here's the lucky shot (i.e. the one that turned out awesome when I wasn't even trying):

I swear to god, that duck is smiling!

My new camera shoots 7.1 mega-pixels and has a 10x optical zoom, which is why I picked it up. It allows me to get some serious detail. Witness:

That's a detail from the smiling duck shot up above. I am stunned by this camera―stunned and awed. Here are some of my runners-up:

Mushrooms! Woo!

Anyway, the reason I went out with the camera today was, ostensibly, because my mom wants pictures of me for Mother's Day. I have a tripod and a 10-second timer, so I figured I should be able to snap some pretty decent shots. I'm not sure that I succeeded on the decent part, but I did manage some self-portraits:

Yup, that's me in the water. Sorry about the weird facial expressions, but today was windy and that water was cold! Those were down at the dam in Graniteville; these next are from Hopeland Gardens:

I think that last one is the way I look in my head, when I bother to think of myself. However, I'll send them all to Mom and let her decide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Uh, I realize that you know this fact, given that you were the one who got it and all, but you see, I have been gone for a while and not reading anyone's blogs, and in getting caught up, I literally got really excited that you are posting more often and with picture, too!

That run on sentence is a sign that I am way too excited.

And that middle picture of you in the waterfall is my favorite.

Ok, I will give you your blog back, now. (Your mama will love those pitchas!)