Monday, April 11, 2005

Ah, youth...

Three students suspended for using fake money

Hopefully, this school district will buck the trend of over-punishing kids. I mean, c'mon, it's not like they were trying to pass 100 dollar bills. This is not a Columbine grade offense, so hopefully not even the feds will get their hackles up about it. I mean, honestly? Man, I shudder to think what I might've tried to do with today's technology when I was in sixth grade.

My suggestion: have the Secret Service come in and frighten the piss out of these kids, get the boy who did the counterfeiting into a graphic arts class, tell his friends not to be so damn stupid and let them off with the suspension. Then advise the parents to ground everybody, and ground them hard. That should be enough.

I did find one thing about this story sort of shocking:
An assistant principal called Seattle police the next day after a sixth-grader tried to use one of the fake bills to buy beef jerky from the cafeteria.
So, you can buy damn beef jerky in school cafeterias these days? Wow! I am out of touch with today's youth!

Lucky little bastards...I love beef jerky!

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