Sunday, April 10, 2005

Generic update, version 1.0

Okay, so...I haven't really chimed in and let people know what I've been up to lately. I've just been cataloging stuff I think is reasonably cool as I go along. Why is that? Have I been avoiding y'all?

Nah, not really. My last day off, this past Wednesday, marked my first time back as Dungeon Master in my regular, Wednesday night D&D group since late January. So, instead of going out and gallivanting around Milwaukee, I had to stay in and work on my epic adventure. "Why didn't I go out and about on my other day off," you ask? Well, was inventory last week at work, so I didn't get another day off. Sad, I know, but working retail has its grave responsibilities.

Anyway, stuff here is...

Can't finish that, really. It's chaotic. Living in my head the way I do is very much like living in a haunted house: I never really know how things will be until I see what mischief, horrors or miracles are waiting for me every morning. I had a very good friend leave town, on a fool's errand that I hope turns out for the best. I bought a lightsaber...

...that I simultaneously couldn't afford and couldn't resist. I decided that I'm growing a beard...

...but I'm not entirely sure why. I've begun reading some Eastern Theo-philosophy. I also created an Amazon Wishlist. And I'm deeply concerned that I'm going to lose my job, so I'm steeling up my backbone in preparation for standing my ground and wondering just how unemployment works.

In spite, or, perhaps, because of all this, I'm in an amazingly good mood. There's something to be said about standing among the ruins, looking at the shattered bricks and realizing that I may, should I choose, put them back together any way I please.

Ah, ruin...sweet ruin. Like a worn-in hooded sweatjacket, it's something I wear well.

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