Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bon voyage to me!

So, tomorrow afternoon I'm off to Aiken. I'll be tearing down the computer this afternoon, so I'll be without web access for a little bit more than 24 hours. I'll still be able to check email through my phone, so if y'all want to talk to me, that is completely do-able; just don't expect any returns of email during that time, as pounding out numbers to make words is really, really trying. :)

If I've got your email address, you can expect an email shortly with my new snail-mail address. If I don't have your email address, or you're not sure if I have it or not, why not drop me a line? Here, in spambot safe format, it is: glassrope [at] gmail [dot] com. Replace the stuff in brackets with the appropriate punctuation, pull out the spaces, and you've got it.

Anyway, thanks to all of you for all of the encouragement I've been receiving over the past few weeks. I can't really put into words how much it means to me, so I won't even try. Trust me, though, it's a whole hell of a lot.

See y'all on Friday for the shuffle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

waiting, with antici