Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

I'm working through some personal problems; hence, not a lot of posting. I'm not going to go into details about it. I'm okay, for the moment, too, so don't go worrying and such if you are so inclined. Once I've had a few conversations with some people, I'll pop back in and update for real. Until then, enjoy this:

Point-Counterpoint: This Man Obviously Has Substance Abuse Problems And No Capacity To Love vs. But You Love Him!
It is time to face facts: Your boyfriend has nothing to offer you. He is a mean drunk, a liar, a cheater, and an emotional drain. He contributes nothing to your life but added stress and self-doubt. You have been together five months and he wants to move in, but never once has he said "I love you," and he never even refers to you as his girlfriend. Clearly, he only wants to live with you because he is two months behind in his rent and is about to get evicted.…

None of that other stuff should matter when you love somebody.… Just think of how cute your babies will be!… Whatever you do, don't let go!…
Truth = humor.

Hope those of you with significant others have a very happy Valentine's Day. For those of you without, here are my thoughts on this, the most arbitrary of modern holidays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am inclined to worry, so thank you for that.

And, even having been married for 4 1/2 years, I still hate Valentine's Day. But, I ain't hangin' nobody.

And, that grammatically evil sentence was just for you.

Happy V Day! (The V can stand for anything you like!)